Hello Guys....Schools are open. Hmm....Missed the kids as well as fun for the last two months.
How strange...Few years back we used to cry when summer holidays are over, but now feel so happy. After 2 long months I was visiting school. The only pain part is riding all the way to the school. Anyways no pain no gain always. We (Viju, Guru, Rohitha, Sowmya and myself) reached the school around 9.30. We got a warm welcome from the kids with their loud "Good Morning" wish. Our good old Renuka (pessi) teacher welcomed us with her big broad smile ;-)
It was most satisfying to know few smart goods who are good at studies had moved to government school. It was overwhelming to see that the parents of the these tent school kids who were reluctant to send their kids to school had finally realized the importance of education.
Kudos to parents, teachers and all my friends who have been with RIF. Not to forget the kids...
I personally felt very satisfied. Our efforts have started giving fruits. Since all talented kids had moved to their new destination room was filled with lot of new faces. A new set of task for us to broom these new set of saplings.
After a break...Definitely neither we were in a mood to teach nor the kids were in a mood to learn. we all know it was time for fun. We decided to play games. As always kids wanted to play kabbadi boys v/s girls. Viju mentoring girls team (as always ;-) and guru mentoring namma hudguru. Since most of the strong girls were missing ,girls team was weak. our good friend viju started his motivational sessions , infact he got so indulged he was mentoring the kids as if we were playing at national level. He had become Mr.kabir Khan(Chak de) on that day. Ofcourse, he wasnt playing a fair game and our poor boys had few good players but lacked motivation from the mentor. The mentor (Guru) was very disturbed with the unfair game played by viju and his chakde team. Finally viju declared his team as winners after the arrival of Mr.KanthRaju.
It was fun, viju was lost in game. We taught kids to cheer, boo..and hi five. I was tired.
Few others too. We had to leave to see the new school at Malleshpalya.
I shall talk about the new school in my next blog.
Keep reading and kindly pass on your valuable comments. It would be very motivating for us to continue with our work.